Once again, East Bay Pinball throws down a challenge to all the pinball gangs roaming the Northern Californian streets! It's time for the Bay Area pinball community to meet up in the back alley of Phoenix Games and settle any and all 2013 beefs via the annual East Bay City Rumble!
East Bay City Rumble is the Bay Area's premiere "Pin-Brawl"-style team pinball tournament. Unlike Royale, teams consist of only 2-players. Why 2-man teams and not singles? Because these pinball streets are dangerous kid...80's-style dangerous, yah dig? Unless you have eyes in the back of your head, you're gonna need someone to watch your back.
It's team vs. team, double elimination -- where only the strongest team survives!
New this year, the turf for this throwdown has been doubled! We'll be hosting East Bay City Rumble at both Phoenix Games AND the location next door. This means no more being crammed into one store-front waiting for the next pair of asses to kick. We'll have double the machines, double the space, which also means double the player capacity!
First balls get punched at noon on Saturday, September 28th. ALL LEAGUES AND PINBALL GROUPS CHALLENGED! This means you: CCPL, BAPA, SFPD, Belles and Chimes, Pinball Mafia, Pin JuJu/PPM loiterers, Sacramento Pinball Group lurkers, Oakland Hi-Life drunks, Pinside trollers, RGPers, KLOVers, Basement Dwellers...if you play pinball in Northern California, you're officially CHALLENGED
This rumble is straight flippers and steal balls only. No knives. No bats. No guns. No magnets.
Still interested chump? Good! Then check out the FAQ and Rules sections for all the information you'll ever need on the event. Then walk yourself over to the Registration section and get your ball kicking duo signed up.