Spring '13 / Week #3
Submitted by ebpl on Sun, 04/28/2013 - 19:13Starting from this week most people had a 2-week-score basis to go by, so teams were arranged based on points earned during the last 2 weeks; the rest of the season will have players placed on teams accordingly, as usual. Everyone played the same set of games: Doctor Who, Addams Family, Lights... Camera... Action!, and Hook. Bonus points were earned by Jim and Stephen (on 3 different games, he almost had a perfect score).
Winter '13 / Week #8
Submitted by ebpl on Sun, 03/17/2013 - 18:57Normally we try to avoid playing any of the same games 2 weeks in a row, but this week was an exception for Hook since it was new and many people wanted to become more familiar with it before the tournament on the weekend. Besides including Hook the other 3 games in the lineup for the night were Addams Family, Judge Dredd, and Frankenstein. Bonus points were earned by Josh, Aaron, Jay, and Wes for getting the highest scores for the night on individual games.